Emirates Islamic offers a multitude of financing solutions to its counterparties. Ranging from local to foreign currency offerings, short or long tenors, small tickets or a sizeable tickets, our coverage team is ready to explore your financing requirements and providing you with the best financing options that best fit your profile.
Our financing solutions include:
- Bilateral or Club Financing:
An Islamic Financing or other Credit Facility provided by Emirates Islamic to a single obligor. Preferred structures are Murabaha and Wakala.
- Syndication Facility:
An Islamic Financing or other Credit Facility provided by a Group of entities, including Emirates Islamic, to a single obligor. Such facilities are extended to Financial Institutions, Sovereigns and Multilaterals.
- Repo and Reverse Repo:
A program designed to meet a Banks’ short-term financing requirements, by pledging securities (i.e. Sukuk) and committing to repurchase it at a later date, within an agreed timeline. EI has been growing this product and has concluded transactions with international counterparties.
- Structured Deposits:
Such deposits are structured to manage the liquidity positions of Banks and Non-Banking Financial Institutions, usually for tenors between 3 and 5 years, while earning additional income as opposed to interbank or fixed deposits. EI offers floored, leveraged cap, collared, range accrual, among other structures that fits the profile and the needs of the entity.