Emirates Islamic Treasury service brings you access and coverage to a wide variety of products. Foreign Exchange, Coverage and Custodian services for Global Sukuk, access to buying and selling of Global Equities, and various kinds of Shariah Compliant hedging products for both Foreign Exchange and Profit Rates.
- FX Direct Dealing:
Direct dealing access to treasury for booking FX deals. Clients can book FX Deals by calling a treasury dealer directly for preferential FX rates.
- Forward / Flexi Forward Wa’ad:
Emirates Islamic offers Islamic Foreign Exchange Forwards through the Shariah Compliant structure using a unilateral Wa’ad. Customers can hedge their future foreign currency requirements using FX Wa’ad. A forward contract will lock in an exchange rate today at which the currency transaction will occur at the future date. It helps to mitigate FX risk and ensure that commercial margins are not eroded.
- FX Options:
Emirates Islamic offers Islamic Foreign Exchange Derivatives through the Shariah Compliant structure for sophisticated clients. Customers can hedge their regular foreign currency requirements using FX Leveraged Forward under FX limits.