Emirates Islamic offers a comprehensive suite of Islamic financial solutions to cater to the requirements of your business.
Emirates Islamic offers a comprehensive suite of Islamic financial solutions to cater to the requirements of your business. Our solutions will help you achieve your business goals and operational excellence. With fast response times and personalized attention, our Corporate Banking solutions are just right for your business.
Emirates Islamic offers financing solutions to help manage your cashflow effectively and fund business growth further. Our products, based on Murabaha structure, are designed to meet working capital requirements of your business by facilitating procurement of raw materials, parts, supplies, and other inventory assets. Additionally, we can also assist in freeing-up your liquidity through our receivable finance solution, as well as offering additional liquidity through our covered drawing product to help you overcome day-to-day cashflow timing mismatch between receivable and payments.
Use our Long-Term Financing solutions to facilitate capital expenditure and expansion requirements of your business. Our products based on Murabaha and Ijarah structures which are designed to help you acquire property, plant, machinery, and other fixed assets in a cost-effective manner.