If the date of your credit card statement doesn’t suit you, just call us and we’ll change it for you
You can change the date of your Emirates Islamic Credit Card Statement/Billing Cycle at any time as per your convenience. Please note that your due date, i.e. the date on which you have to make a payment towards your bill, is always 25 days after your statement date.
You can change your statement date once every 6 months. However, your new statement date will not take effect until the due date of your last statement has passed.
You can choose one of the following available billing cycles: 1st, 5th, 10th & 15th. The due date is always 25 days after this date, as indicated below.
Card billing Cycle | 1st | 5th | 10th | 15th |
Due Date | 25th | Approx 30th | Approx 4th | Approx 9th |
Click here to change your Credit Card billing cycle date.
Your new statement date will not take effect until the due date of your last statement has passed.
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