Change your online banking transaction limit

Change your Online/Mobile Banking limits

Go online or use the App to change your daily transaction limit

Use Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App to change your daily transaction limit at any time.

Online and Mobile Banking Limits

There are two types of limits on transfers and payments using Online Banking and Mobile Banking:

  • Daily Limit Per User: This is the maximum limit for all the transactions that can be done in a day on your Accounts. It’s configured by you and can be increased or decreased at any time.
  • Daily Transaction Limit: This is the maximum daily limit assigned by the Bank for payments and transfers on Accounts. It can’t be changed as this limit is based on your Banking Package.

Change your Daily Limit

Choose one of the channels below to change your Daily Limit:


Your new daily limit will be updated immediately.


No, maximum transaction limits possible per day are fixed by the Bank. However, you can change to any desired amount that is below the maximum limit set by the Bank.