Business Banking Expo2020

Current Account

Wakala Deposits

Telegraphic Transfer (Manual Request)*

Telegraphic Transfer (businessONLINE)*


Salary WPS Charges

Salary (Non WPS)

GPSSA (Pension Payment)

Noqodi Payment (businessONLINE)

Statement Charges

Standing Instructions

Inward Remittances

Demand Draft and MC/PO:Others

Stop Payment Charge (per instruction)

Foreign Currency (Collected in same FCY)

Trade Licence Expiry

Other Charges

Credit/Confidential Reports

Post Dated Cheques

Outward Clean Collections

Inward Clean Collection

Other Services

Postage (to be recovered in all cases where mailing is required as part of a transaction):



Telex/Cable/SWIFT messages (Based on the length of the message)


Certificate for Issuance of Trade Licence Favouring

Channel Fees : businessONLINE

Corporate Cash and Cheque Collection

SMS and Online Fees

Emirates Islamic Debit Card Charges