
Unblock your Online/Mobile Banking

Find out why you were locked out and how you can get access again

Find out why you were locked out and how you can get access again

Activate your Blocked Online/Mobile Banking Profile

Here are some reasons your Online/Mobile Banking profile can be blocked and what you can do about it:

  • You ‘ve entered your Password incorrectly multiple times

If this is the case, just follow these steps to reset your Password

  • You ‘ve answered your Secret Questions incorrectly multiple times

You can follow these steps to reset your Secret Questions

  • Your Online/Mobile Banking profile has been compromised and the Bank has blocked access for your safety

Contact our 24-hour Call Centre on +971 600 599 995 or visit your nearest Emirates Islamic branch with your Emirates ID or Passport for identification, and one of and one of our Representatives will be happy to help you


Contact our 24-hour Call Centre on +971 600 599 995 and one of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to help you.
If your Online/Mobile Banking profile was blocked due to security reasons, please call us on +971 600 599 995 for further assistance.